Uniform Financial Statements & Independent Auditor's Report Subscription Service for
an Advanced UFR Search
How much does it cost?
This subscription service costs $150.00 per year.
What services will I receive?
Online advanced searches:
You may quickly retrieve all UFR filings based on program type,
program code, program description, zip code, CPA name, and many other
search criteria.
Customized reports and analysis:
In addition to the ability to immediately select contractors based
on over a dozen search criteria, you may request OSD to perform special
analyses for you
As part of your subscription service, OSD will create two customized
reports per year within two weeks of your request (slightly longer for
especially complicated analyses).
To try out this new service free of charge please click here .
Please enter "johndoe" as the Login Id and "password" as the password. Click on the "Login" button to continue.
Please Note that this is meant for demonstration purposes only.
How do I sign up?
Print out this page and complete the information below.
Company Name |
Address |
City/State/Zip |
Telephone |
Fax |
Email |
Contact Name |
Please make your check or money order
payable to the Operational Services Division.
Send to:
Operational Services Division Audit Bureau
One Ashburton Place, Room 1017
Boston, MA 02108